
我是谁 之八


Seeing beauty in a flower can awaken you, however briefly, to the beauty that is an essential part of  your own innermost being, your true nature. Joy and love are intrinsically connected to that recognition. Flowers can become for us an expression in form of that which is most high, most sacred, and ultimately formless within ourselves,. Flowers, more fleeting, more ethereal, and more delicate than the plants out of which they emerge, are like messengers from another realm, like a bridge between the world of physical forms and the formless. They not only have a scent that is delicate and pleasing, but also bring a fragrance from the realm of spirit.

When you are alert and contemplate a flower with out naming it mentally, it becomes a window for you in to the formless. There is an inner opening , however slight, into the spiritual dimension.








我是谁 之七


How do you let go of attachment to things? Don't even try. It's impossible. Attachment to things drops away by itself when you no longer seek to find yourself in them. In the meantime, just be aware of your attachment to things.Sometimes you may not know that you are attached to something, which is to say, identified, until you lose it or there is the threat of loss. If you then become upset, anxious, and so on, it means you are attached. If you are aware that you are identified with a thing, the identification is no longer total. "I am the awareness that is aware that there is attachment." That's the beginning of the transformation of consciousness.
When you contemplate the unfathomable depth of space or listen to the silence in the early hours just before sunrise, something within you resonates with it as if in recognition. You then sense the vast depth of space as your own depth, and you know that precious stillness that has no form to be more deeply who you are than any of the things that make up the content of your life.
The twofold reality of the universe, which consists of things and space -- thingness and no-thingness-- is also your own. A sane, balanced, and fruitful human life is a dance between the two dimensions that make up reality: form and space. Most people are so identified with the dimension of form, with sense perceptions, thoughts, and emotions, that the vital hidden half is missing from their lives. Their identification with form keeps them trapped in ego.
Just as space enables all things to exist and just as without silence there could be no sound, you would not exist without the vital formless dimension that is the essence of who you are. We could say "God" if the word had not been so misused. I prefer to call it Being. Being is prior to existence. Existence is form, content, "what happens." Existence is the foreground of life; Being is the background, as it were.
The collective disease of humanity is that people are so engrossed in what happens, so hypnotized by the world of fluctuating forms, so absorbed in the content of their lives, they have forgotten the essence, that which is beyond content, beyond form, beyond thought. They are so consumed by time that they have forgotten eternity, which is their origin, their home, their destiny. Eternity is the living reality of who you are.




人类有一个通病:人们总是全神贯注于正在发生的事情,被这个变动不居的有形世界所催眠,被他们生活的内容而吸引而忘记了生活的本质。超越内容,超越形态,超越思维的本质。 人们被时间所消耗而忘记了永恒。忘记了永恒乃是人们的起源,家园和宿命。永恒是“我是谁”的鲜活现实。

①对于Being 与Existence的辨析,请参考这里 http://www.cctv.com/lm/131/61/85949.html 。简单来说,这两个词的中文翻译,都是存在。这其实是对后者的错误翻译。Being翻译成存在,意指一切的本源。这一切包含了时间,空间,事物在内的所有范畴。existence则只适用于事物之一范畴,是指事物作为实体而存在。这里我采用何光沪的说法,使用“实存”作为existence的中译。


我是谁 之六

“Blessed are the poor in spirit,” Jesus said, "For theirs is the kingdom of heaven." What does "poor in spirit" mean? No inner baggage, no identifications. Not with things, nor with any mental concepts that have a sense of self in them. And what is the "kingdom of heaven"? The simple but profound joy of Being that is there when you let go of identifications and so become "poor in spirit".

“心灵简单虚空的人有福了”,耶稣有言:“因为天国是他们的”①。心灵简单虚空指的是什么呢?没有内在负担,没有各种确认证明。不执着于事,或者与自我有关的思维观念。 什么又是“天国”呢?即当你放弃确认证明,成为心灵简单虚空后得到的单纯而深刻的存在的喜悦。



我是谁 之五

When you become aware of the transience of all forms, your attachment to them lessens, and you disidentify from them to some extent. Being detached does not mean that you cannot enjoy the good that the world has to offer. In fact, you enjoy it more. Once you see and accept the transience of all things and the inevitability of change, you can enjoy the pleasures of the world while they last without fear of loss or anxiety about the future. When you are detached, you gain a higher vantage point from which to view the events in your life instead of being trapped inside them.




Athens Half Marathon Runners, Let Me Show You How to get your running proof photos, for free

If you participated the Athens, GA half Marathon like me, you probably already got several emails from the PBC Sports Photography telling you that your photo are ready. When I got this email, I was so excited and went to their website to see the photos of my girlfriend, my friends, and of course myself. This is our first half marathon and we trained very hard for it. I finished 42 overall and 8th in my age group. Qing met her goal to finish in 2 hours. We all want the proof for sure. Plus, I managed to smile to every each photographer while I was running and I want to share the smile with all my family and friends.

So, you can imagine how happy I was when I saw my photos following the link in that email. After browsing all my picture, I naturally right licked the mouse on the photo and expected to see the right-click menu with the "save image as" option. Sadly, nothing happened. Then I realized that this side banned the right-mouse-click to prevent people from downloading pics directly.

Well, that's nothing new. They are trying to sell the pictures to you. That's the whole purpose of the business. They took your picture, give you some low resolution ones to preview, and sell you the high resolution ones. I think it's a good idea. The thing is, I do not have that $50 and I can survive with low resolution pics. (If you upload your photos to facebook or other picture hosting services, they probably will down sample it anyway.) So I decide to get the pictures on the website.

It's actually very simple, you go to the website following the link in your email, after it is fully loaded, copy and paste the code bellow into the address box of your browser and hit "Enter" key on your keyboard. A small window will popup, just click the small "OK" button on it. Now you can use right mouse click on the website.


This is one more thing: when I right click on the photo I want to save, there is no the "save image as" option in the right-click menu. I used "save page as" option instead and save the webpage. When save the webpage, be sure to choose the "save as type" to be "webpage, complete". If you have multiple photos to save, just left click on the small version of the photo you want to download on the left side, and then right click and save the webpage. The program will warn you the same files are already there. Just choose overwrite when asked (Believe me, nothing critical will be overwritten).

When all this is done, just go the folder the webpage was saved. You will see one html file and a folder with the same name, go into the folder, you pictures will be there. There are going to be a lot files in the folder. Just sort the files by size. Your photos will be the JPG files with largest file size.



我是谁 之四

You are human being. What does that mean? Mastery of life is not a question of control, but of finding a balance between human and Being. Mother, father, husband, wife, young, old, the roles you play, the functions you fulfill, whatever you do——all that belongs to the human dimension. It has its place and needs to be honored, but in itself it is not enough for a fulfilled, truly meaningful relationship or life. Human alone is never enough, no matter how hard you try or what you achieve. Then there is Being. It is found in the still, alert presence of Consciousness itself, the Consciousness that you are. Human is form. Being is formless. Human and Being are not separate but interwoven.


英语真有趣啊。我是谁这个问题有两个关键词,“我”与“是”。这个问题的答案是“Human Being”,对应的翻译就是人与存在。问题也就是答案。“Who am I”或者“What am I” 答案,都是以“I am” 开头的。“我”“是”或者我“存在”。而这两个词后面跟着什么,并不是最重要的。



我是谁 之三

Ego arises when your sense of Beingness, of "I Am," which is formless consciousness, gets mixed up with form. This is the meaning of identification. This is forgetfulness of Being, the primary error, the illusion of absolute separateness that turns reality into a nightmare.

Ego is always identification with form, seeking yourself and thereby losing yourself in some form. Forms are not just material objects and physical bodies. More fundamental than the external forms —— things and bodies——are the thought forms that continuously arise in the field of consciousness.





我是谁 之二

Equating the physical sense-perceived body with "I", the body that is destined to grow old, wither, and die, always leads to suffering sooner or later. To refrain from identifying with body doesn't mean that you neglect, despise, or no longer care for it. If it is strong, beautiful, or vigorous, you can enjoy and appreciate those attributes——while they last. You can also improve the body's condition through right nutrition and exercise. If you don't equate the body with who you are, when beauty fades, vigor diminishes or the body becomes incapacitated, this will not affect your sense of worth or identity in any way. In fact, as the body begins to weaken, the formless dimension, the light of consciousness, can shine more easily through the fading form.


《我是谁 之一》中提到了,“我是谁”这个问题的答案,并不能“以我是某某”这样的形式来回答。这里强调的是,我不是我的身体。身体这一物质形态,注定了将在世间承受苦痛。它将在某些时刻强大无比,充满活力,也将会衰老,变弱,最终消失。虽然”我“最终也会伴随身体消失,但身体并不能等同与“我”。 “我”完全可以不受身体痛苦的限制,自由的探索与生活。


我是谁 之一


The ultimate truth of who you are is not I am this or I am that, but I AM.




我们几乎每天都在回答“我是谁”这个问题,尤其是在遇到新朋友的做自我介绍时。而答案,无非是,我是清阳,我是学生,我是心理学专业的学生,我是中国人,我是留学生,我跑步,我是父母的儿子,母亲的哥哥,女友的男友... 仔细想想,这些无非是在给自己贴一个标签了事。这些标签无非是为了简化自己,以图让别人(或别人的思维)认识其我来更加容易些。

这些答案都没有错,但没有一个是完全描述自己的。它们只能算部分真实,因为它们有可能是变化的。比如,在未来的某些时候,我可以不再是学生,也可能不再搞心理学,也可能成为其他国家的公民,也会从男友变成丈夫... 这些变动不居的标签,只适合某一时间和空间.



[健康] Oct. 2nd, Nuci’s SPACE 5k

I have to say Oct. 2nd was a nice day, sunny and calm. It was a little bit chilly but not bad at all. Not bad for a morning run. Actually, Freya did her 12 miles long run and I participated The 7th Annual S.P.A.C.E. Race 5K.

It was my second 5K race this year. The first one was the Athens Twilight 5K in April. It took me 20:04 to finish the 5K last time. This time I wanted something under 20 to set a new PR.

Freya’s long run ended at the start of my 5K. We planed her long run route the night before so she could finish her training and meet me at the start of the 5K to cheer for me. And of course, she took some photos. This is me before the race.


My labmates John and Lauren also ran the race. Cindy participated as a volunteer. Actually it was Cindy who informed us about the Nuci’s SPACE run.


The race started in some traditional way which I had no idea what it was. I just started running when I sensed others were moving. Smile Yes, I was at the front line.


The whole run was OK. I did not feel very well. It was like lack of energy. I had the feeling that I wanted to go faster but I couldn’t because there was no fuel in the tank. Maybe I was too excited, I don’t know. All that I could do was to keep my pace, and keep going. that’s it…

This is me towards the finish. Freya took this photo and then the battery of the camera died. There was no video when I was passing the finish this time. We planned it, but did not check the battery.


I finished the third overall. The final results were not posted yet as of now, but I finished under 20 minutes for sure. I am happy with the result.

After the race, a mild pancreatitis episode attacked me. I had to take pain medicine and stay in bed. The pain lasted about 8 hours. I don’t think the race is the cause of the attack. It probably would happen no matter what. It might have affected my performance. Yeah, I believe I could have done better.

Anyway, what has been done has been done. Training will continue. Looking forward to my next race, the Athens Half Marathon!

update: I found more photos here.


当下的力量 之十三


Through the present moment, you have access to the power of life itself, that which has traditionally been called "God". As soon as you turn away from it, God ceases to be a reality in your life, and all you are left with is the mental concept of God, which some people believe in and others deny. Even belief in God is only a poor substitute for the living reality of God manifesting every moment of your life.


透过当下,你可以体验到生活自身的力量。传统上,这种力量被称为上帝。你一旦偏离当下,上帝便从你的生活中抽身而去,只留下一个上帝的概念。 变成了概念,便有人相信有人不信。这种情况下,即便是信仰上帝,也无法取代上帝真的无时不在。






当下的力量 之十二


Your primary purpose is to enable consciousness to flow into what you do. The secondary purpose is whatever you want to achieve through the doing. Whereas the notion of purpose before was always associated with future, there is now a deeper purpose that can only be found in the present, through the denial of time.

Your secondary or outer purpose lies within the dimension of time, while your main purpose is inseparable from the Now and therefore requires the negation of time. How are they reconciled? By realizing that your entire life journey ultimately consists of the step your are taking at this moment. There is always only this one step, and you give it your fullest attention. This doesn't mean you don't know where you are going; it just means this step is primary, the destination secondary. And what you encounter at your destination once you get there depends on the quality of this one step. Another way of putting it: What the future holds for you depends on your state of consciousness now.



次要目标或外部目标的存在依赖于时间。而主要目标则与当下密不可分,且否定时间。这二者如何统一?这需要意识到我们的生命旅程乃是由当下迈出的每一步所构成的。当下只有这一小步,需要你对它全神贯注。 这不是说你不需要了解前进的方向,只是强调迈出当前这一步的重要性,以及终点的相对次要。在生命的终点你将遇到什么取决于当前这一步如何迈出。









当下的力量 之十一

Awareness is the power that is concealed within the present moment. This is why we my also call it Presence.
  The ultimate purpose of human existence, which is to say, your purpose, is to bring that power into this world.




曾看到一篇文章,讲到世上最浪费时间的事情(原文章在这里,值得一读)。作者列举了三件事情:第一件是担忧(worry),第二件是抱怨(blame)。这两件事情,前者是面向未来,后者是面向过去。两者共同的是,不自知的消耗当下。作者提到的另外一件,是Judgement。这个Judgement跟我们前面提到的给人和事贴标签、归类是一回事儿。这又当归因于我们的思维有限性。当然,这并不是什么通过行为统计得来的科学结论,但是道理却非常清楚。 这些事情都无益于我们的生活,因此做这些事情,是明白无误的浪费生命。


当下的力量 之十

The elimination of time from your consciousness is the elimination of ego. It is the only true spiritual practice.... What we are speaking of is the elimination of psychological time, which is the egoic mind's endless preoccupation with past and future and its unwillingness to be one with life by living in alignment with the inevitable isness of the present moment.
Whenever a habitual no to life turns into a yes, whenever you allow this moment to be as it is, you dissolve time as well as ego. For the ego to survive, it must make time—— past and future——more important than the present moment.
Time is the horizontal dimension of life, the surface layer of reality. Then there is the vertical dimension of depth, accessible to you only through the portal of the present moment.




当下的力量 之九

The most important, the primordial relationship in your life is your relationship with the Now, or rather with whatever form the Now takes, that is to say, what is or what happens. If your relationship with the Now is dysfunctional, that dysfunction will be reflected in every relationship and every situation you encounter. The ego could be defined simply in this way: a dysfunctional relationship with the present moment. It is at this moment that you can decide what kind of relationship you want to have with the present moment.

    “Do I want the present moment to be my friend or my enemy?" The present moment is inseparable from life, so you are really deciding what kind of relationship you want to have with life. Once you have decided you want the present to be your friend, it is up to you to make the first move: Become friendly toward it, welcome it no mater in what disguise it comes, and soon you will see the results. Life becomes friendly toward you: people become helpful, circumstances cooperative. One decision changes our entire reality. But that one decision you have to make again and again and again—— until it becomes natural to live in such a way.


“我想要当下成为朋友还是敌人?” 当下与生活是不可分割的,因此当你问自己这个问题是,你实际上是在决定与生活保持怎样的关系。若你决定与当下做朋友,就应该首先采取行动,主动示好,无论它以何种表象出现,都敞开胸怀欢迎它。然后,你会很快看到变化:生活也会向你示好,各种境况开始帮助你。这个决定改变了我们的整个现实。不过,你得一而在,再而三的做同样的决定,直到这成为你自然而然的行为方式。



当下的力量 之八


People believe themselves to be dependent on what happens for their happiness, that is to say, dependent on form. They don't realize that what happens is the most unstable thing in the universe. It changes constantly. They look upon the present moment as either marred by something that has happened and shouldn't have or as deficient because of something that has not happened but should have. And so they miss the deeper perfection that is inherent in life itself, a perfection that is always already here, that lies beyond what is happening or not happening, beyond form.

Accept the present moment and find the perfection that is deeper than any form and untouched by time.








当下的力量 之七

There are three ways in which the ego will treat the present moment: as a means to an end, as an obstacle, or as an enemy.
When you react against the form that Life takes at this moment, when you treat the Now as a means, an obstacle, or an enemy, you strengthen your own form identity, the ego. Hence the ego's reactivity. What is reactivity? Becoming addicted to reaction. The more reactive you are, the more entangled you become with form. The more identified with form, the stronger the ego. Your Being then does not shine through form anymore -- or only barely.


这一段要同 当下的力量 之四 一起来看才容易看懂。


当下的力量 之六


Whenever you become anxious or stressed, outer purpose has taken over, and you lost sight of your inner purpose. You have forgotten that your state of consciousness is primary, all else secondary.

  Why do anxiety, stress, or negativity arise? Because you turned away from the present moment. And why did you do that? You thought something else was more important. You forgot your main purpose. One small error, one misperception, creates a world of suffering.









当下的力量 之五


Most egos have conflicting wants. They want different things at different times or may not even know what they want except that they don’t want what is: the present moment.

  To be in alignment with what is means to be in a relationship of inner nonresistance with what happens. It means not to label it mentally as good or bad, but to let be. Does this mean you can no longer take action to bring about change in your life? On the contrary. When the basis for your actions is inner alignment with the present moment, your actions become empowered by the intelligence of Life itself.









当下的力量 之四


Whatever is or happens is the form that the Now takes. As long as you resist it internally, form, that it to say, the world, is an impenetrable barrier that separates you from who you are beyond form, separates you from the formless one Life that you are. When you bring an inner yes to the form the Now takes, that very form becomes a doorway into the formless. The separation between the world and God dissolves.

If you resist what happens, you are at the mercy of what happens, and the world will determine your happiness and unhappiness.


所有存在的事物和发生的时间,都是当下的形态。如果你暗自反抗当下, 形态,或者说世界,便成为一个无法洞穿的隔膜,将你同无形、统一且超越了形态的你分离开。如果你从内心接受当下的形态,这个形态就会成为你进入无形状态的大门。在那里,上帝与世界的隔阂消失。











当下的力量 之三

Everything seems to be subject to time, yet it all happens in the Now. That is the paradox. Wherever you look, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence for the reality of time – a rotten apple, your face in the bathroom mirror compared to your face in a photo taken thirty years ago – yet you never find any direct evidence, you never experience time itself. You only ever experience the present moment, or rather what happens in it. If you go by direct evidence only, there is no time, and the Now is all there ever is.








当下的力量 之二


Time is seen as the endless succession of moments, some “good”, so “bad”. Yet, if you look more closely, that is to say, through your own immediate experience, you find that there are not many moments at all. You discover that there is only ever this moment. Life is always now, Your entire life unfolds in the constant Now. Even past or future moments only exist when you remember or anticipate them, and you do so by thinking about them in the only moment there is: this one.

Why does it appear then as if there were many moments? Because the present moment is confused with what happens, confused with content. The space of Now is confused with what happens in that space. The confusion of the present moment with content gives rise not only to the illusion of time, but also the illusion of ego.













当下的力量 之一


The ego's greatest enemy is the present moment, which is to say, life itself.





啊哈,Ego在这里又出现了。那么我就试着在这里回答一下我在《超越思考 之十》中提出的问题吧。




如果把思维比作一面镜子,这个镜子并不平整光亮,就像先人们使用的铜镜,并不能反映出细节。或者把思维比作微风习习下的波动的湖面。把Self 放到思维的铜镜或者湖面之前,镜子里的湖面上的倒影,就是ego.



超越思考 之十一


Don't seek happiness. If you seek it, you won’t find it, because seeking is the antithesis of happiness. Happiness is ever elusive, but freedom from unhappiness is attainable now, by facing what is rather than making up stories about it. Unhappiness covers up your natural state of well-being and inner peace, the source of true happiness.






而事情就是事情,引起不幸的,是我们对事情的反应。从不幸中解脱的方法,无非是把自己的对事情的反应与事情本身分开来看。有些我们能改变,有些不能。利用可以改变的那部分,我们就会从不幸中走出来。这,正是迈向幸福的第一步。什么是不可以改变的?已经发生的事情。什么是可以改变的?我们的反应。 倒霉了别沮丧。沮丧会让你更倒霉。



超越思考 之十


Is it possible to let go of the belief that you should or need to know who you are? In other words, can you cease looking into conceptual definition to give you a sense of self? Can you cease looking  to thought for an identity?

The more you make your thoughts into your identity, the more cut off you are from the spiritual dimension within yourself.

Defining yourself through thought is limiting yourself. When you fully accept that you don’t know, you actually enter a state of peace and clarity that is closer to who you truly are than thought could ever be.


能放弃“你应该或者需要知道你是谁”这一执念么?能停止在概念性定义中寻找自我么? 能停止在思考中确认身份么?


通过思考来定义自我只会限制自我。 当你接受自己的无知,你就能进入一种平和透彻的状态,接近你的真实自我。这是靠思考则永远不能达到的。




超越思考 之九


When you don’t cover up the world with words and labels, a sense of the miraculous returns to you life that was lost a long time ago when humanity, instead of using thought, became possessed by thought. A depth returns to your life. Things regain their newness, their freshness. And the greatest miracle is the experiencing of your essential self as prior to any words, thoughts, mental labels, and images. For this to happen, you need to disentangle your sense of I, of Beingness, from all the things it has become mixed up with, that is to say, identified with.








超越思考 之八


Neither concept or mathematical formulae can explain the infinite. No thought can encapsulate the vastness of the totailiy. Reality is a unified whole, but thought cuts it up into fragments. This gives rise to fundamental misperceptions, for example, that there are separate things and events, or that this is the cause of that. Every thought implies a perspective , and every perspective, by its very nature, implies limitation, which ultimately means that it is not true, at least not absolutely. Only the whole is true, but the whole cannot be spoken or thought. Seen from beyond the limitations of thinking and therefore incomprehensible to the human mind, everything is happening now. All that ever has been or will be is now, outside of time, which is a mental construct.








①作者有一本非常有名的书《the power of now》,中文译名是《当下的力量》。同已经发表的书保持一致性,这里把Now 翻译成“当下”。


超越思考 之七


See if you can catch, that is to say, notice, the voice in the head, perhaps in the very moment it complains about something, and recognize it for what it is: the voice of the ego, no more than a conditioned mind-pattern, a thought. Whenever you notice that voice, you will also realize that you are not the voice, but the one who is ware of it.

In fact, you are the awareness that is aware of the voice. In the background, there is the awareness. In the foreground, there is the voice, the thinker. In this way you are becoming free of the ego, free of the unobserved mind.










CVS and RiteAid shopping planner worksheet

I always take a shopping list with me to the CVS and RiteAid store to remind me what to buy and how much I am I am going to save to play the drugstore game. That’s a great habit I must say. But I want to know more than what items should I put in the cart, like how much the total price is before and after I use any coupon, how much can I save using coupon, how should I pay the subtotal, that is to say, how much should I pay by ECB (UPR for RiteAid) and cash, and how much will I earn through their program. Of course I will know all after I check out. But knowing these before I head to the cashier will be ideal. It will help me to make better decision. A planner will be useful in this case.

    I was about to make one from scratch when I found this planner for CVS from http://bargainbriana.com. This planner is an Excel file. What you need to do is just entering the price of the item you want to buy, the value of coupons and the ECBs. The spreadsheet calculates everything for you: You will know instantly how much you need to pay, how much you are going to save or earn. It’s so great. But do not download it yet, cause I have more for you.

    Based on the planner for CVS, I made one for RiteAid. Again, it will calculate everything for you before your RiteAid trip. I put the two worksheet in the same Excel file. If you only do CVS and RiteAid, you can just keep the one you need and delete the other one. And if you do both drugstores like me, you will find it so useful. I enter the information about the items I will buy in the spreadsheet and then print it out to bring it to the store as a shopping list. If I end up buying more or less than what I planned, I edit the exit file when I am back from the shopping trip to reflect what was really done, and then save the file as a new name to document the what I did. It’s good for both planning and tracking my spending.

OK, enough talking. you can download it here.

    One more thing, when calculate the sale tax, I use 7.00% tax rate. If you have items with different tax rate, the result will not be accurate. The difference will not be significant though. Just a heads up.

Enjoy! Let me know what you think about it.

Link: CVS and RiteAid shopping planner (Excel file)

Drugstore trips on 8.6 and 8.7

This week I visited CVS twice on 8/6 and 8/7.

The first time I got Colgate toothpaste, Gillette razor and two Sobe Life water ($16 tag price), used $6.75 coupon and $7.99 ECB. Paid 0.98 out of pocket and got 7.00 ECB.

Then I found out I was about to be out of Vitamin C. I found out CVS has Ester-C BOGO and I had 2 $3/1 coupons. I just cannot miss this deal. So came the second trip to CVS. This time I got 2 bottles of Ester-C and another Colgate toothpaste ($24.57 tag price), used $6 coupon and  $8 ECB. Paid $0.74 out of pocket and got another $2 ECB to roll next week.

So, two trips to CVS, got $40.58 worth of product. Paid $1.72 out of pocket.

Good deal!

The trip to Rite Aid was also fun except that I forgot to spend my UPRs. Have to spend them next week.

At Rite Aid, I got $38.45 worth of product, used $15.25 coupons, paid $20.89 out of pocket and earned 6.55 UPRs + $10.99 SCR.


超越思考 之六


Choose an object lose to you —— a pen, a chair, a cup, a plant—— and explore it visually, that is to say, look at it with great interest, almost curiously. Avoid any objects with strong personal associations that remind you of the past, such as where you bought it, who gave it to you, and so on. Also avoid anything that has writing on it such as a book or a bottle. It would stimulate thought. Without staining, relaxed but alert, give your complete attention to the object, every detail of it. If thoughts arise, don’t get involved in them. It is not the thoughts you are interested in, but the act of perception itself. Can you take the thinking out of the perceiving? can you look without the voice in your head commenting, drawing conclusions, comparing, or trying to figure something out? After a couple of minutes or so, let your gaze wander around the room or wherever your are, your alert attention lighting up each thing that it rests upon.

Then, listen to any sounds that may be present. Listen to them in the same way as you looked at the things around you. Some sounds may be natural —— water, wind, birds——while others are man-made. Some may be pleasant, others unpleasant. However, don’t differentiate between good and bad. Allow each sound to be as it is, without interpretation. Here too, relaxed but alert attention is the key.

When we perceive without interpreting or mental labelling, which means without adding thought to our perceptions, we can still sense the deeper connectedness underneath our perception of seemingly separate things.








① 这段我调整了原文语序。不然,怎么读也不通畅。


超越思考 之五


This is most people’s reality: As soon as something is perceived, it is named, interpreted, compared with something else, liked, disliked or called good or bad by the phantom self, the ego. They are imprisoned in thought forms, in object consciousness。

You do not awaken spiritually until the compulsive and unconscious naming cease, or at least you become aware of it and thus are able to observe it as it happens. It is through this constant naming that the ego remains in place as the unobserved mind. Whenever it ceases and even when you just become aware of it, there is inner space, and you are not possessed by the mind any more.







超越思考 之四


When we go into a forest that has not been interfered with by man, our thinking mind will see only disorder and chaos all around us. It won’t event be able to differentiate between life (good) and death (bad) anymore since everywhere new life grows out of rotting and decaying matter. Only if we are still enough inside and the noise of thinking subsides can we become aware that there is a hidden harmony here, a sacredness, a higher order in which everything has its perfect place and could not be other than what it is and the way it is.

The mind is more comfortable in a landscaped park because it has been planned through thought; it has not grown organically. There is an order here that the mind can understand. In the forest, there is an incomprehensible order that to the mind looks like chaos. It is beyond the mental categories of good and bad. You cannot understand it through thought, but you can sense it when you let go of thought, become still and alert, and don’t try to understand or explain. Only then can you be aware of the sacredness of the forest. As soon as you sense that hidden Harmony, that sacredness, you realize you are not separate from it, and when you realize that, you become a conscious participant in it. In this way, nature can help you become realigned with the wholeness of life.










My wallet, lost then found

thanks-thank-you-10 What happened to me today is worth noting (20100802).

Today, I got my parking permit for the new semester. I chose the permit for the parking lot near the psychology building out of the the one near my apartment. This way, I can not park my car near my apartment during work days so that I will “have to” drive to work every day. This is my strategy to beat my laziness of staying home all the time.

The strategy is not perfect.

Today, I had an experiment to run at another building on campus which is 5-minute walking distance to my apartment. Because of the new permit, I can not walk there. In stead, I had to drive to the department first, park there and then take a bus back to the building. I was running a little bit late. Plus, doing this kind of commuting on such a hot day was not fun at all. So, as you already know from the title, my wallet was lost on the bus.

It’s at the door of the building for my experiment and I cannot find my door card to get in that I found out my wallet was missing. I did not go back to look for the wallet right away because the experiment was about to start. My friend Jason let me in so I got everything setup on time. After that, I called the bus service and they told me the bus driver did not see a wallet. Kim was talking about her experience when her daughters purse was stolen and gave me some advice. And mentioned there are more non-student on the city bus. I knew she was trying to help but I felt upset at that point thinking all the things I would have to do in case the wallet could not be found. Calling banks, credit card companies and all the offices to cancel my cards, to get a replacement ID… all that kind stuff made my head spin. Ahh, too much to think about. I just could not concentrate on work anymore. Thank God that William was there to help me with the scan.

Then I tried to calm myself down and told myself that panic or upset was my natural response in this circumstance. But it’s not helping at all to be panic or upset. I also told myself that my wallet might or might not be found, but I do not know what will happen at the end of the day. Other than assuming it’s gone and being upset, it’s better to believe it will come back and feel at least calm and normal if not happy about the whole thing.

That’s what I did since then. I wrote to the city bus asked them to keep an eye on the wallet. Then, I changed my Gchat status to “come back, my wallet”. After that, I acted just as everything was fine. I watched YouTube videos with my colleagues and laughed with them, I executed some of the program for experiment presentation. I printed out my girlfriend's letter and read them.

When the missing wallet came to my mind, I told myself only one thing: “It will come back”.

When the experiment was done, I did not even rush out. I helped packing everything up and put them to the right place. I take time to clean everything behind me, make sure I will not lose anything else. I said goodbye to my friends and then headed out.

You know what happened?

As soon as I walked out the building and laid my eyes on the road, I saw the bus passing by. I followed it to the bus stop, hopped on and asked the driver if he saw a wallet. The gentleman recognized me and then handed my wallet to me. Can you imagine how happy and exciting I was? I was so happy and even forgot to ask the gentlemen's name. My friend Lauren saw this and cheered for me! Yay!

So that’s the story of my wallet. I am so happy everything works out this way. I wrote an email to the bus service to express my appreciation. To all my friends who wished me good luck: Thank you all!.

This made my day :)

So I wrote it down(did not do proof reading) to let all you know I am thankful, for all the things happen to me.

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超越思考 之三


“The wisdom of this world is folly with God,”  says the Bible. What is the wisdom of this world? The movement of thought, and meaning that is defined exclusively by thought.

Thinking isolates a situation or event and calls it good or bad, as if it had a separate existence. Through excessive reliance on thinking, reality becomes fragmented. This fragmentation is an illusion, but it seems very real while you are trapped in it. And yet the universe is an indivisible whole in which all things are interconnected, in which nothing exists in isolation. The deeper interconnectedness of all things and events implies that the mental labels of “good” and “bad” are ultimately illusory. They always imply a limited perspective and so are true only relatively and temporarily.

There are no random events, nor are the events or things that exist by and for themselves, in isolation. The atoms that makeup your body were once forged inside stars, and the causes of even the smallest event are virtually infinite and connected with the whole in incomprehensible ways.

If you wanted to trace back the cause of any event, you would have to go back all the way to the beginning of creation. The cosmos is not chaotic. The very word cosmos means order. But this is not an order the human mind can ever comprehend, although it can sometimes glimpse it.











① 出自哥林多前书。

Shopping Trip 20100729

drug-stores-logo-1CVS trip:

The main purpose of my trip to the CVS, is to get the Free after ECB photo book. It’s going to be a gift for my girlfriend. I loaded 28 pics in my usb stick the day before and got all the coupons and shopping list ready. Then I called my friend MiaoMiao to join me.

It’s my first time to use the print centre computer. It’s easy enough for me to use. I asked the staff to help me out just to save time, the lady are very nice to offer the help. The printing process was not very smooth I had to say. First, they did not find my order on their machine. When I was in the process of recreate my photo book and almost done, they said they find my order. Then the machine started printing and then the lady told me the book was not in the correct size. For God sake I double checked the size before I made my order cause I do not want to accidentally chose the ones that were not on sale. So the lady wanted my to recreate my photo book. So I started over again. While I was doing it, the lady  reached me again saying the photo book is in correct size, so I did not need to do it again. She apologized. I was in a good mood while doing all these, and of course I accepted her apology.

And I like the photo book I made. It’s going to be a perfect gift for my girlfriend when she is back the week after this. One more thing, my friend also got an CVS card.

Here is the summary of my CVS trip:

Made two transactions:

Bought $19 + $16 = $35 worth stuff;

Used $15 ECB and a $3 off $15 coupon;

Paid out of pocket: $12.11+$5.06=$17.17

Left with $14 ECB;

And will submit two MIR for a total refund of $25.

CVS trip summary: spend $17, get $35 of stuff and will get another $39 back in ECB and rebate.

Rite Aid Trip:

This is my first time to shop in Rite Aid. Not familiar with their programs or the organization of the store. I read from this post that some people really love shopping at Rite Aid, so , I wanted give it a try. It’s also on my way back from CVS. Make a stop is an easy thing to do :). The idea is to get a card and get everything started at Rite Aid. So my friend and I both got a card. I made my purchase basically following the deal recommendations from moneysavingmom.com. Too bad they have the Neiva body wash for men out of stock, that’s the one I really want because I got a coupon for it.  I still do not figure out how their rebates work, but I do get some +UP rewards. P.S. One staff knows Chinese, she asked our nationality and then started greeting us in Chinese when I told her we are from Chine. Isn’t it nice to hear someone speak to you in your language! She might only know how to say “How are you” “Thank you” and “you’re welcome”. But still, that showed they really care about you. I did not catch her name, but I will.

Here is a summary:

Bought $25.40 worth of grocery;

Used 4 coupons, saved $8;

Paid $18.7 OOP (plus tax);

Left with $5 of +UP rewards.

Not sure about rebate as of now.

Kroger Trip:

We stopped at Kroger for Milk.

I got a gallon of milk for $1, a dozen of eggs for $1 and eight organic eggs for $1.99. Basically, I got  a lot protein for my workout.

The is a happy trip. And many thanks to MiaoMiao for joining me, helping me finding the items I missed and bearing with me to wait so long for the photo book. Hope she found this trip fun too.

Also, don’t forget to enter the “Summer Savings Sweepstakes” at Kroger, you might win some free stuff.


超越思考 之二


The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.

Be aware of the thoughts you are thinking. Separate them from the situation, which is always neutral, which always is as it is. There is the situation or the fact, and here are my thoughts about it. Instead of making up stories, stay with the fact. For example, “I am ruined” is a story. It limits you and prevents you from taking effective action. “I have fifty cents in my bank account” is a fact. Facing facts is always empowering. Be aware that what you think, to a large extent, creates the emotions that you feel. See the link between your thinking and your emotions. Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them.










②Making up story字面意思是“编故事”,从上下文来看,story采用常见意直译并不通顺。Story这个词还有另外一个意思,指“表面现象”。这里making up story的意思其实是给事实穿上一层掩饰的外衣,而这种外衣通常是个人对于真相与事实的(歪曲了的)理解和判断。这里我译成“轻下判断”就是因为这个考虑

* "We are what we think. With our thoughts we make our world." -Budda


[trade/sell] Stamina Body Trac Glider 1050 Rowing Machine


Quick look:

Item: Stamina Body Trac Glider 1050 Rowing Machine
for: sale or trade
Condition: very good, like new.
Price: $120 OBO/ or you can trade with me. If you want to trade, tell me what you have.
Shipping and delivery: If your not too far from me and can offer me a cup of coffee, I have no problem to deliver it to your door. BTW, I live in Athens, GA.
Contact: email: congel+craiglist@gmail.com or call 706 363 0303 (leave a message if no one answer the phone).

If you know someone who might be interested in it, please spread the word. THX.

Why I sell it?

   I got this machine a few months ago. I used it less than 10 times.
   I bought this machine when I decided to change my lifestyle from sedentary to active by exercise more. I need a machine at home so I have no excuse not to go out and exercise due to bad weather or mood. I live in a cozy apartment so the machine cannot be too large. This baby met all me requirement. It did keep my doing my workout when I was lack of motivation to go out. I put it in my living room so I can watch TV when rowing it. It makes things so easy. After workout, it usually took me less then a minute to put it back in my closet.
   It helped my to get started with my lifestyle changing project. Now, I am a member of a gym the gym has rowing machines there. And  I now have no problem to go out the door and exercise 6 days per week. This baby has been staying in my closet and collecting dust. It's not fare to it, isn't it?
   So I decide to got it out of the door to serve people in need.

How much is it?

   Asking for $120. or if you have something to trade, that might work too, just send me an email and let me know what you can offer.

Contact info:
   email: congel+craiglist@gmail.com
   Phone: 7063630303

Product Description

Stamina Body Trac Glider 1050 Rower is the compact, portable way to row yourself into shape... GREAT PRICE! Limited space? Time? Budget? The Body Trac Glider 1050 Rower is for you. Compact and portable with a footprint of 23 1/2" x 46", the arms fold down and the rower can be stored in a closet or in the corner of a room. Rowing is widely known to be one of the best all around activities for cardiovascular fitness and strength a total body workout that is efficient, effective, low-impact and utilizes all major muscle groups including the back, legs, arms, abdominals and buttocks. Rowing is also one of the best exercises for building a strong back, as well as one of the most effective low-impact aerobic exercises for increasing your metabolism for more efficient calorie and fat burning without the impact on your joints. Steel frame and aluminum center beam is designed to withstand years of use while giving you a stable, comfortable workout; Ball bearing roller system and adjustable hydraulic cylinder resistance arms mimic the smooth motion of rowing on the water; Multifunctional fitness monitor shows speed, distance, time, stroke count, and calories burned during your workout, and keeps you motivated and on track to reach your fitness goals; Smooth gas shock resistance; Easy assembly; Folds to approx. 49 1/2 x 11 3/4 x 9 1/2" for storage; A great, compact workout at a great price. Order Today! Stamina Body Trac Glider 1050 Rower

If you want to know more about this item, please refer to this link on Amazon.com ( http://www.amazon.com/Stamina-Body-Glider-Rowing-Machine/dp/B000AMUFPS )



超越思考 之一


Thinking is no more than a tiny aspect of the totality of consciousness, the totality of who you are.

  What is arising now is not a new belief system, a new religion, spiritual ideology, or mythology. We are coming to the end not only of mythologies but also of ideologies and belief systems. The change goes deeper than the content of your mind, deeper than your thoughts. In fact, at the heart of the new consciousness lies the transcendence of thought, the newfound ability of rising above thought, of realizing a dimension within yourself that is infinitely more vast than thought.

  You then no longer derive your identity, your sense of who you are, from the incessant stream of thinking that in the old consciousness you take to be yourself. What a liberation to realize that the “voice in my head” is not who I am.

  Who am I then? The one who sees that. The awareness that is prior to thought, the space in which the thought – or the emotion or sense perception – happens.









作者认为,对于自我的探索并不能通过倾听自己的想法而实现。只有超越思考,把思考置于我们的觉知(awareness )的关注之下才可达成。超越思考的这一维度,被称为“新意识”。



① What is arising,我译得没有把握。 存疑吧。

② 这里See与aware应该是同义词。


today’s CVS trip

Spent $12 out of poket (plus tax),

got $31 worth of products,

Still have $15 ECB to play for the next trip.

Could be better. But I am happy with it.


If you do not know what I am talking about, take look at this post and this one.


CVS deals - 7/25-31,2020


ECB Deals

Photo Book (6×8) at $7.99, Get $7.99 ECBs (Limit 1)
Free after EBCs

U by Kotex Liners, Pads or Tampons at $4.99, Get $4.99 ECBs (Limit 1)
Use $1/1 printable
Free plus overage after coupon and ECBs

Buy 1 Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent at $3.50, Get $2 ECBs (Limit 2)
Use $1/1 printable
Or buy 2 and use $3/2 coupon from the 6/13 SmartSource insert
$1 each after coupon and ECB

Buy 1 Dove Bar Soap (2 pk) at $3, Get $2 ECBs (Limit 1)
$1 after ECBs

Lean Cuisine at $3, Get $1 ECB (Limit 1)
Buy 2 and use $1/2 printable here (IE) or here (FF)
$2 each after coupon and ECBs

Buy 1 Biore Cleanser or Towelettes at $6.99, Get $2 ECBs (Limit 1)
Use $2/1 printable
$2.99 after coupon and ECBs

Buy 1 Clairol Touch Up or Hair Color at $6.99, Get $2 ECBs (Limit 1)
Use $2/1 coupon from the 7/4 P&G insert
$2.99 after coupon and ECBs

Buy 1 Almay Dial Up One Coat Mascara at $6.99, Get $2 ECBs (Limit 1)
Use $1/1 coupon from the 7/25 SmartSource insert
$3.99 after coupon and ECB

Buy 1 Pampers Boxed Diapers at $21.99, Get $10 ECBs (Limit 1)
Use $2/1 coupon from the 7/4 P&G insert
$9.99 after coupon and ECBs

Other Deals

Nescafe Taster’s Choice – $1
Buy 2 and use Buy One Get One Free printable
Plus use $0.75/1 printable
$0.13 each after coupons

Sobe Lifewater – $0.88
Buy 2 and use Buy One Get One Free printable
$0.44 each after coupon

Palmolive Dish Soap – $0.98 (Limit 6)
Use $0.25/1 printable
Or use $0.25/1 coupon from the 7/25 SmartSource insert
$0.73 after coupon

Renuzit Crystal Elements – $3.99
Use $2/1 coupon from the 7/25 RedPlum insert
$1.99 after coupon

不知道这里有没有大家喜欢的东西,反正我得计划一下,把自己上周的ECB划掉。CVS还给了我一个花$25减$5的coupon,想办法把它也用掉,呵呵。恩,先去咖啡店捡coupon先 :)


The CVS Game



CVS,指的是美国的一个连锁药房, 全称好象是 CVS/Pharmarcy。CVS game 是指利用这个药房每周的返券优惠,获取免费商品。




留下来的人,你需要去CVS办张卡。办卡是免费的,只需去店里问店员说你要办卡,然后填个表就可以了。卡办好当时就可以用。卡的名字叫做ExtraCare。每次去CVS去玩儿CVS game,必须携带此卡。

OK,准备工作完毕, Game On!


我第一次去CVS是个周日,赶上一款商品有返券后免费。这款产品价值$7.99,返券$7.99。OK,我出钱只买了这个东西。结帐交钱后(这一步的钱是必须花的,我把这个花出去的真金白银叫作seed),拿到收据。返券呢?就在收据上。收据下方写着Extracare Bucks (江湖人称ECB), $7.99。这样,我就过了这个game的第一关,得到了我的第一个ECB。(Seed当时就开花结果了)。至此我就回家了。

一周之后的周日,我再次去了CVS。为设么一周之后去?因为CVS的优惠商品,每周会更换一次。这次还有一个商品,正好也是$7.99饭$7.99 ECB。好了,拿目标商品,结帐,用上次得到的ECB付款。ECB花掉了,又免费拿到一个商品。这还没完,在这个收据的后面,赫然又有一张$7.99的的ECB。看到了吧,我买了一个东西,没有花钱,花的是ECB。花了$7.99之后,又得到了一个$7.99。我等于白拿了这个商品。$7.99的seed到此已经长处了两件商品,而我的手头仍有$7.99可以下周接着玩儿。









在说出解决办法之前,我们要明确一下游戏的策略。之前的策略是不花钱拿商品,如果每次都按照这个策略来,每次拿的东西不仅少,几个回合也必定game over。如果我们把游戏策略变成花最少的钱拿最多的东西,换句话说,每次交易省更多的钱,游戏的乐趣就来了。而且,绝对可以持续发展。



据具体的例子吧,我在第一次买东西的时候,在网上找到了那个商品的coupon,可以每个商品可以节省$2。因此,我获得$7.99的seed,只花了$5.99。因此我的第一商品拿到少,不仅仅是免费,而是“倒赚”了$2。 我在第二次买东西的时候,使用了另外一个减$4的coupon。这样,我拿了那个商品,又拿了价值$4刀的另外一个商品B。而商品B是$4返$2的。这样,我用掉了我$7.99返券,拿到了价值$11.99的东西,并且,又拿到了$9.99的ECB。雪球就这样,开始滚起来。Seed就这样开始真正的生长了。

好了,至此,你该明白CVS该怎么玩,怎么滚雪球了吧?哈哈。文章至此,水落石出:要想玩儿好CVS game,有两大要点:一,找Coupon;二,计算最优的coupon和ECB搭配。

CVS game每周一关,因为CVS每周日的时候会更新她的广告商品

我要告诉你的是,这仍是CVS game的简化玩法。我自己想象了一下,问题还可能更复杂。但是,难度也有个头。我个人认为,每周CVS的广告出来之后,大概需要15分钟就能完成利益最大化的计算。每周花这15分钟练练脑子,不仅能有物质奖励,也是很好的防衰老的办法。


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How to get coupons for free. (from moneysavingmom.com);

Coupon terms.(from moneysavingmom.com);

How to find weekly deals and coupons (video from couponmom.com)。








HPL 97 nmoles/mL/min

LPL 13 nmoles/mL/min

化验单的comments 一栏中写道:This is compatible with LPL activity deficiency.

至此,我的病算是正式确诊了: Familial lipoprotein lipase deficiency 引起的 Chylomicronemia syndrome。虽然之前我和mm的分析得出的是同样的结论,但毕竟有化验结果作证据,不是我们的瞎猜了。

LPL activity deficincy意识是脂蛋白酶活性缺乏。缺乏这种酶的结果,简单来说,就是身体无法分解吸收脂肪。无法被分解的脂肪就会在血液里越积越多,造成这一缺陷的主要临床表现是高血脂。而高脂血症经常引发有不明原因的腹痛,无力,甚至引发急性胰腺炎。我几年来多次住院均是急性胰腺炎。





帽子 滚烫的跑道 重返健身房 巴西的电话



本来以为,这么热的天不会有人锻炼,结果到了我跑步的Spec Towns Track之后,发现跑到上竟然有两人在练习。一个年轻,一个年老,都在跑道上走着。老者在快步走,年轻的小伙子似乎是刚刚跑完步,通过跑步来Cool down。由于天太热,我省去了通常跑步之前的拉伸,直接上跑道,慢跑开始。

天真热。大太阳在头顶直直的照下来,把跑道被晒的软了,很烫。软和烫,是我的双脚告诉我的。我在跑道上跑步,如果距离不长的话,我就光脚跑全程。如果长距离跑,最后几圈也会光脚。光脚和穿鞋的区别,对我来说就是在不同的路面上跑有不同的感觉。如果穿上鞋,就不会体会到路面的不同了。 我今天在太阳底下光脚跑,感觉自己就是铁板烧上的鱿鱼,被烤得不行。恨不得自己的脚能不沾地才好。只光脚跑了两圈,我赶快又把鞋子穿上了。但是我没有感觉到有太多汗,遮阳帽很管用,把汗都挡住了。另外,它也很轻便,舒服。决定把它留下。





明天是我的LSD run day(LSD run是 Long, Slow, Distance;就是长时间长距离慢跑的意思),还没有想好去哪里跑。也许一觉醒来就有好主意了。


周总结 6月14日-6月20日




本周卡路里摄入:1900+2475+2150+3030+2315+2600+2570= 17040, 平均每天2434卡。

本周卡路里消耗:(271+163+729+483+855)+2000*7=16500, 平均每天2357卡。
三次跑步,共跑了11+28+33=72圈,20.7 miles。


读过《first things first》之后,仍然不能把自己的事情优先做起来,真是有些杯具。
我就的问题问在于,我仍然不清楚,我应当用我的生命来做些什么事情。Life with no purpose。经常觉得自己没有什么用处。我不缺应该干的事情。但谢谢应该不是出自我的自愿,而是我已经在做着的一些事情的延续,我自己究竟应当做些什么,我的目标在哪里,仍旧是一个open question。

With this question unanswered, I do not know where to find happiness...
At the same time, I am running and building my body. So when happiness arrives, I will be healthy enough to enjoy it. That's the current plan.

To live, to Love, to Learn and to leave a legacy... These are what people to to bring happiness to him/herself. I am doing the first daily, the second several times a week, the third and the last one barely. I need to find the mission of my life to lead my out of the daily conflicts I am struggling with, inside and outside.



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Thomson Reuters EndNote X4.v14.0.0.4845-EAT
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EndNote 四天前才发布了X4,今天我就找到了破解。不得不感叹破解小组速度之快,令人咂舌啊。不过这个版本我不打算用,我正等待学校的授权更新呢。有想尝鲜朋友拿去吧。

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本周卡路里摄入量是:2550+2220+2700+2370+2225+2225+2490=16780 cal, 平均每日 2400卡左右


本周跑步三次:分别跑了12+14+20=46圈,共21公里,13 miles;共消耗卡路里304+360+527=1191 (*);
力量训练两次:用时 80+60=140分钟,消耗卡路里322+427=749;
本周消耗的卡路里估计值为2000×7+(1191 +749)=15940,平均每日2277左右。(注:运动消耗卡路里值通过Calorie count的activity log得来。本来About.com 的Calorie count根据我每日的活动量提供了卡路里总消耗量的估计,可是这个估计值没有历史存档。以后要注意把这个数值记录在笔记本上,就能用他了计算卡路里消耗了。)



从以上记录来看,我其实可以在这7日到13日这一周多吃些。锻炼坚持的不错 :) 睡眠不算多。应当早一个小时上床或者午睡一下,每天再多出点睡眠就更好了。



周一的时候花时间看了UG07 project的数据处理,大概搞清楚了数据处理流程。与实验室的同学碰了个头,大概知道了大家都在做些啥。把系里的一台电脑的Ubuntu从7.04升级到了10.04,使用的是Alternative CD本地升级的办法。

周三 学到了当Ubuntu本版太老官方不支持在线更新于升级后如何不重装系统而升级的方法:用Alternative CD先升级到可以升级到的最高版本然后从那个版本再进行自动更新。我的升级过程是:7.04->7.10->8.04->10.04,笨办法,但是相对安全且保留之前的所有设置。

周日 下载安装了office 2010,同时发现其与Endnote X3不兼容。暂时的解决办法是 【之一:禁用Endnote加载项】【之二:保留老版本的Office】。永久的解决办法是升级Endnote到X4,【破解版在此,猛击进入



得知系里cognitive program的chair Dr. Rich Marsh的死讯,非常突然。悲伤。








这些粽子都是我mm包的,请把赞美送给她 哈哈






做的不多,吃得特爽。 哈!

再上一图 :)



[美食健康]塑料 食物 健康

塑料这东西,在日常生活中随处可见。不信你举目四望一下,必然能看到许多塑料制品。比如现在映入我的眼帘的,就有装着润肤霜的塑料瓶,塑料的圆珠笔、百叶窗、储物箱、晾衣架、电视遥控器、吉他拨片、相框,玩具车(哈,你是不能猜到我是在哪儿写的这文章的啦)... ... 对了,我用来写这篇文章的电脑也是塑料外壳。








Take home message: 除了5号塑料制品外,尽量不用塑料容器盛食物,尤其不能用塑料容器盛热的食物。不要重复使用塑料容器。如必须重复使用(5号塑料),要仔细清洗



其他不管再怎 么漂亮的瓶子全部是1,为了大家的健康,特别转载了这篇文章,



谢谢楼下MM说的 不要在车子后备箱里放一箱子水 车子加热了 塑料瓶也会释放毒物

外出旅行可以带放冰块的箱子 再放入水瓶

因为连续十六个月使用同一个矿泉水瓶,女孩得了癌病。瓶里面含一 种叫做PET的塑料材质,用一次是安全的,如果你因节俭或方便而重复使用,就有致癌危机。

三角型里面有数字 。


PET 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇脂
常见矿泉水瓶、 碳酸饮料瓶等 。耐热至70℃易变形, 有对人体有害的物质融出。1号塑料品用了10个月后,可能释放出致癌物DEHP。不能放 在汽车内晒太阳;不要装酒、油等物质


常 见白色药瓶、清洁用品、沐浴产品。不要再用来做为水杯,或者用来做储物容器装其他物品。清洁不彻底,不要循环使用。


PVC 聚氯乙烯
常见雨衣、建材、塑料膜、塑料盒等。可 塑性优良,价钱便宜,故使用很普遍,只能耐热81℃.高温时容易有不好的物质产生,很少被用于食品包装。难清洗易残留,不要循环使 用。若装饮品不要购买


PE 聚乙烯
常见保鲜膜、塑 料膜等 。 高温时有有害物质产生,有毒物随食物进入人体后,可能引起乳腺癌、新生儿先天缺陷等疾病。 保鲜膜别进微波炉。


PP 聚丙烯
常见豆浆瓶、优 酪乳瓶、果汁饮料瓶、微波炉餐盒 。熔点高达167℃,是唯一可以放进微波炉的塑料盒,可在小心清洁后 重复使用。需要注意,有些微波炉餐盒,盒体以5号PP制造,但盒盖却以1号PE制造,由于PE不能抵受高温,故不能与盒体一并放 进微波炉。


PS 聚苯乙烯
常见碗装泡面 盒、快餐盒 。不能放进微波炉中,以 免因温度过高而释出化学物。装酸(如柳橙汁)、碱性物质后,会分解出致癌物质。避免用快餐盒打包滚烫的食物。别用微波炉煮碗装方便面。


常见水壶、太空 杯、 奶瓶。百货公司常用这样材质 的水杯当赠品。很容易释放出有毒的 物质双酚A,对人体有害。使用时不要加热,不要在阳光下直晒。