
当下的力量 之三

Everything seems to be subject to time, yet it all happens in the Now. That is the paradox. Wherever you look, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence for the reality of time – a rotten apple, your face in the bathroom mirror compared to your face in a photo taken thirty years ago – yet you never find any direct evidence, you never experience time itself. You only ever experience the present moment, or rather what happens in it. If you go by direct evidence only, there is no time, and the Now is all there ever is.








当下的力量 之二


Time is seen as the endless succession of moments, some “good”, so “bad”. Yet, if you look more closely, that is to say, through your own immediate experience, you find that there are not many moments at all. You discover that there is only ever this moment. Life is always now, Your entire life unfolds in the constant Now. Even past or future moments only exist when you remember or anticipate them, and you do so by thinking about them in the only moment there is: this one.

Why does it appear then as if there were many moments? Because the present moment is confused with what happens, confused with content. The space of Now is confused with what happens in that space. The confusion of the present moment with content gives rise not only to the illusion of time, but also the illusion of ego.













当下的力量 之一


The ego's greatest enemy is the present moment, which is to say, life itself.





啊哈,Ego在这里又出现了。那么我就试着在这里回答一下我在《超越思考 之十》中提出的问题吧。




如果把思维比作一面镜子,这个镜子并不平整光亮,就像先人们使用的铜镜,并不能反映出细节。或者把思维比作微风习习下的波动的湖面。把Self 放到思维的铜镜或者湖面之前,镜子里的湖面上的倒影,就是ego.



超越思考 之十一


Don't seek happiness. If you seek it, you won’t find it, because seeking is the antithesis of happiness. Happiness is ever elusive, but freedom from unhappiness is attainable now, by facing what is rather than making up stories about it. Unhappiness covers up your natural state of well-being and inner peace, the source of true happiness.






而事情就是事情,引起不幸的,是我们对事情的反应。从不幸中解脱的方法,无非是把自己的对事情的反应与事情本身分开来看。有些我们能改变,有些不能。利用可以改变的那部分,我们就会从不幸中走出来。这,正是迈向幸福的第一步。什么是不可以改变的?已经发生的事情。什么是可以改变的?我们的反应。 倒霉了别沮丧。沮丧会让你更倒霉。



超越思考 之十


Is it possible to let go of the belief that you should or need to know who you are? In other words, can you cease looking into conceptual definition to give you a sense of self? Can you cease looking  to thought for an identity?

The more you make your thoughts into your identity, the more cut off you are from the spiritual dimension within yourself.

Defining yourself through thought is limiting yourself. When you fully accept that you don’t know, you actually enter a state of peace and clarity that is closer to who you truly are than thought could ever be.


能放弃“你应该或者需要知道你是谁”这一执念么?能停止在概念性定义中寻找自我么? 能停止在思考中确认身份么?


通过思考来定义自我只会限制自我。 当你接受自己的无知,你就能进入一种平和透彻的状态,接近你的真实自我。这是靠思考则永远不能达到的。




超越思考 之九


When you don’t cover up the world with words and labels, a sense of the miraculous returns to you life that was lost a long time ago when humanity, instead of using thought, became possessed by thought. A depth returns to your life. Things regain their newness, their freshness. And the greatest miracle is the experiencing of your essential self as prior to any words, thoughts, mental labels, and images. For this to happen, you need to disentangle your sense of I, of Beingness, from all the things it has become mixed up with, that is to say, identified with.








超越思考 之八


Neither concept or mathematical formulae can explain the infinite. No thought can encapsulate the vastness of the totailiy. Reality is a unified whole, but thought cuts it up into fragments. This gives rise to fundamental misperceptions, for example, that there are separate things and events, or that this is the cause of that. Every thought implies a perspective , and every perspective, by its very nature, implies limitation, which ultimately means that it is not true, at least not absolutely. Only the whole is true, but the whole cannot be spoken or thought. Seen from beyond the limitations of thinking and therefore incomprehensible to the human mind, everything is happening now. All that ever has been or will be is now, outside of time, which is a mental construct.








①作者有一本非常有名的书《the power of now》,中文译名是《当下的力量》。同已经发表的书保持一致性,这里把Now 翻译成“当下”。


超越思考 之七


See if you can catch, that is to say, notice, the voice in the head, perhaps in the very moment it complains about something, and recognize it for what it is: the voice of the ego, no more than a conditioned mind-pattern, a thought. Whenever you notice that voice, you will also realize that you are not the voice, but the one who is ware of it.

In fact, you are the awareness that is aware of the voice. In the background, there is the awareness. In the foreground, there is the voice, the thinker. In this way you are becoming free of the ego, free of the unobserved mind.










CVS and RiteAid shopping planner worksheet

I always take a shopping list with me to the CVS and RiteAid store to remind me what to buy and how much I am I am going to save to play the drugstore game. That’s a great habit I must say. But I want to know more than what items should I put in the cart, like how much the total price is before and after I use any coupon, how much can I save using coupon, how should I pay the subtotal, that is to say, how much should I pay by ECB (UPR for RiteAid) and cash, and how much will I earn through their program. Of course I will know all after I check out. But knowing these before I head to the cashier will be ideal. It will help me to make better decision. A planner will be useful in this case.

    I was about to make one from scratch when I found this planner for CVS from http://bargainbriana.com. This planner is an Excel file. What you need to do is just entering the price of the item you want to buy, the value of coupons and the ECBs. The spreadsheet calculates everything for you: You will know instantly how much you need to pay, how much you are going to save or earn. It’s so great. But do not download it yet, cause I have more for you.

    Based on the planner for CVS, I made one for RiteAid. Again, it will calculate everything for you before your RiteAid trip. I put the two worksheet in the same Excel file. If you only do CVS and RiteAid, you can just keep the one you need and delete the other one. And if you do both drugstores like me, you will find it so useful. I enter the information about the items I will buy in the spreadsheet and then print it out to bring it to the store as a shopping list. If I end up buying more or less than what I planned, I edit the exit file when I am back from the shopping trip to reflect what was really done, and then save the file as a new name to document the what I did. It’s good for both planning and tracking my spending.

OK, enough talking. you can download it here.

    One more thing, when calculate the sale tax, I use 7.00% tax rate. If you have items with different tax rate, the result will not be accurate. The difference will not be significant though. Just a heads up.

Enjoy! Let me know what you think about it.

Link: CVS and RiteAid shopping planner (Excel file)

Drugstore trips on 8.6 and 8.7

This week I visited CVS twice on 8/6 and 8/7.

The first time I got Colgate toothpaste, Gillette razor and two Sobe Life water ($16 tag price), used $6.75 coupon and $7.99 ECB. Paid 0.98 out of pocket and got 7.00 ECB.

Then I found out I was about to be out of Vitamin C. I found out CVS has Ester-C BOGO and I had 2 $3/1 coupons. I just cannot miss this deal. So came the second trip to CVS. This time I got 2 bottles of Ester-C and another Colgate toothpaste ($24.57 tag price), used $6 coupon and  $8 ECB. Paid $0.74 out of pocket and got another $2 ECB to roll next week.

So, two trips to CVS, got $40.58 worth of product. Paid $1.72 out of pocket.

Good deal!

The trip to Rite Aid was also fun except that I forgot to spend my UPRs. Have to spend them next week.

At Rite Aid, I got $38.45 worth of product, used $15.25 coupons, paid $20.89 out of pocket and earned 6.55 UPRs + $10.99 SCR.


超越思考 之六


Choose an object lose to you —— a pen, a chair, a cup, a plant—— and explore it visually, that is to say, look at it with great interest, almost curiously. Avoid any objects with strong personal associations that remind you of the past, such as where you bought it, who gave it to you, and so on. Also avoid anything that has writing on it such as a book or a bottle. It would stimulate thought. Without staining, relaxed but alert, give your complete attention to the object, every detail of it. If thoughts arise, don’t get involved in them. It is not the thoughts you are interested in, but the act of perception itself. Can you take the thinking out of the perceiving? can you look without the voice in your head commenting, drawing conclusions, comparing, or trying to figure something out? After a couple of minutes or so, let your gaze wander around the room or wherever your are, your alert attention lighting up each thing that it rests upon.

Then, listen to any sounds that may be present. Listen to them in the same way as you looked at the things around you. Some sounds may be natural —— water, wind, birds——while others are man-made. Some may be pleasant, others unpleasant. However, don’t differentiate between good and bad. Allow each sound to be as it is, without interpretation. Here too, relaxed but alert attention is the key.

When we perceive without interpreting or mental labelling, which means without adding thought to our perceptions, we can still sense the deeper connectedness underneath our perception of seemingly separate things.








① 这段我调整了原文语序。不然,怎么读也不通畅。


超越思考 之五


This is most people’s reality: As soon as something is perceived, it is named, interpreted, compared with something else, liked, disliked or called good or bad by the phantom self, the ego. They are imprisoned in thought forms, in object consciousness。

You do not awaken spiritually until the compulsive and unconscious naming cease, or at least you become aware of it and thus are able to observe it as it happens. It is through this constant naming that the ego remains in place as the unobserved mind. Whenever it ceases and even when you just become aware of it, there is inner space, and you are not possessed by the mind any more.







超越思考 之四


When we go into a forest that has not been interfered with by man, our thinking mind will see only disorder and chaos all around us. It won’t event be able to differentiate between life (good) and death (bad) anymore since everywhere new life grows out of rotting and decaying matter. Only if we are still enough inside and the noise of thinking subsides can we become aware that there is a hidden harmony here, a sacredness, a higher order in which everything has its perfect place and could not be other than what it is and the way it is.

The mind is more comfortable in a landscaped park because it has been planned through thought; it has not grown organically. There is an order here that the mind can understand. In the forest, there is an incomprehensible order that to the mind looks like chaos. It is beyond the mental categories of good and bad. You cannot understand it through thought, but you can sense it when you let go of thought, become still and alert, and don’t try to understand or explain. Only then can you be aware of the sacredness of the forest. As soon as you sense that hidden Harmony, that sacredness, you realize you are not separate from it, and when you realize that, you become a conscious participant in it. In this way, nature can help you become realigned with the wholeness of life.










My wallet, lost then found

thanks-thank-you-10 What happened to me today is worth noting (20100802).

Today, I got my parking permit for the new semester. I chose the permit for the parking lot near the psychology building out of the the one near my apartment. This way, I can not park my car near my apartment during work days so that I will “have to” drive to work every day. This is my strategy to beat my laziness of staying home all the time.

The strategy is not perfect.

Today, I had an experiment to run at another building on campus which is 5-minute walking distance to my apartment. Because of the new permit, I can not walk there. In stead, I had to drive to the department first, park there and then take a bus back to the building. I was running a little bit late. Plus, doing this kind of commuting on such a hot day was not fun at all. So, as you already know from the title, my wallet was lost on the bus.

It’s at the door of the building for my experiment and I cannot find my door card to get in that I found out my wallet was missing. I did not go back to look for the wallet right away because the experiment was about to start. My friend Jason let me in so I got everything setup on time. After that, I called the bus service and they told me the bus driver did not see a wallet. Kim was talking about her experience when her daughters purse was stolen and gave me some advice. And mentioned there are more non-student on the city bus. I knew she was trying to help but I felt upset at that point thinking all the things I would have to do in case the wallet could not be found. Calling banks, credit card companies and all the offices to cancel my cards, to get a replacement ID… all that kind stuff made my head spin. Ahh, too much to think about. I just could not concentrate on work anymore. Thank God that William was there to help me with the scan.

Then I tried to calm myself down and told myself that panic or upset was my natural response in this circumstance. But it’s not helping at all to be panic or upset. I also told myself that my wallet might or might not be found, but I do not know what will happen at the end of the day. Other than assuming it’s gone and being upset, it’s better to believe it will come back and feel at least calm and normal if not happy about the whole thing.

That’s what I did since then. I wrote to the city bus asked them to keep an eye on the wallet. Then, I changed my Gchat status to “come back, my wallet”. After that, I acted just as everything was fine. I watched YouTube videos with my colleagues and laughed with them, I executed some of the program for experiment presentation. I printed out my girlfriend's letter and read them.

When the missing wallet came to my mind, I told myself only one thing: “It will come back”.

When the experiment was done, I did not even rush out. I helped packing everything up and put them to the right place. I take time to clean everything behind me, make sure I will not lose anything else. I said goodbye to my friends and then headed out.

You know what happened?

As soon as I walked out the building and laid my eyes on the road, I saw the bus passing by. I followed it to the bus stop, hopped on and asked the driver if he saw a wallet. The gentleman recognized me and then handed my wallet to me. Can you imagine how happy and exciting I was? I was so happy and even forgot to ask the gentlemen's name. My friend Lauren saw this and cheered for me! Yay!

So that’s the story of my wallet. I am so happy everything works out this way. I wrote an email to the bus service to express my appreciation. To all my friends who wished me good luck: Thank you all!.

This made my day :)

So I wrote it down(did not do proof reading) to let all you know I am thankful, for all the things happen to me.

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