
我是谁 之三

Ego arises when your sense of Beingness, of "I Am," which is formless consciousness, gets mixed up with form. This is the meaning of identification. This is forgetfulness of Being, the primary error, the illusion of absolute separateness that turns reality into a nightmare.

Ego is always identification with form, seeking yourself and thereby losing yourself in some form. Forms are not just material objects and physical bodies. More fundamental than the external forms —— things and bodies——are the thought forms that continuously arise in the field of consciousness.





我是谁 之二

Equating the physical sense-perceived body with "I", the body that is destined to grow old, wither, and die, always leads to suffering sooner or later. To refrain from identifying with body doesn't mean that you neglect, despise, or no longer care for it. If it is strong, beautiful, or vigorous, you can enjoy and appreciate those attributes——while they last. You can also improve the body's condition through right nutrition and exercise. If you don't equate the body with who you are, when beauty fades, vigor diminishes or the body becomes incapacitated, this will not affect your sense of worth or identity in any way. In fact, as the body begins to weaken, the formless dimension, the light of consciousness, can shine more easily through the fading form.


《我是谁 之一》中提到了,“我是谁”这个问题的答案,并不能“以我是某某”这样的形式来回答。这里强调的是,我不是我的身体。身体这一物质形态,注定了将在世间承受苦痛。它将在某些时刻强大无比,充满活力,也将会衰老,变弱,最终消失。虽然”我“最终也会伴随身体消失,但身体并不能等同与“我”。 “我”完全可以不受身体痛苦的限制,自由的探索与生活。


我是谁 之一


The ultimate truth of who you are is not I am this or I am that, but I AM.




我们几乎每天都在回答“我是谁”这个问题,尤其是在遇到新朋友的做自我介绍时。而答案,无非是,我是清阳,我是学生,我是心理学专业的学生,我是中国人,我是留学生,我跑步,我是父母的儿子,母亲的哥哥,女友的男友... 仔细想想,这些无非是在给自己贴一个标签了事。这些标签无非是为了简化自己,以图让别人(或别人的思维)认识其我来更加容易些。

这些答案都没有错,但没有一个是完全描述自己的。它们只能算部分真实,因为它们有可能是变化的。比如,在未来的某些时候,我可以不再是学生,也可能不再搞心理学,也可能成为其他国家的公民,也会从男友变成丈夫... 这些变动不居的标签,只适合某一时间和空间.



[健康] Oct. 2nd, Nuci’s SPACE 5k

I have to say Oct. 2nd was a nice day, sunny and calm. It was a little bit chilly but not bad at all. Not bad for a morning run. Actually, Freya did her 12 miles long run and I participated The 7th Annual S.P.A.C.E. Race 5K.

It was my second 5K race this year. The first one was the Athens Twilight 5K in April. It took me 20:04 to finish the 5K last time. This time I wanted something under 20 to set a new PR.

Freya’s long run ended at the start of my 5K. We planed her long run route the night before so she could finish her training and meet me at the start of the 5K to cheer for me. And of course, she took some photos. This is me before the race.


My labmates John and Lauren also ran the race. Cindy participated as a volunteer. Actually it was Cindy who informed us about the Nuci’s SPACE run.


The race started in some traditional way which I had no idea what it was. I just started running when I sensed others were moving. Smile Yes, I was at the front line.


The whole run was OK. I did not feel very well. It was like lack of energy. I had the feeling that I wanted to go faster but I couldn’t because there was no fuel in the tank. Maybe I was too excited, I don’t know. All that I could do was to keep my pace, and keep going. that’s it…

This is me towards the finish. Freya took this photo and then the battery of the camera died. There was no video when I was passing the finish this time. We planned it, but did not check the battery.


I finished the third overall. The final results were not posted yet as of now, but I finished under 20 minutes for sure. I am happy with the result.

After the race, a mild pancreatitis episode attacked me. I had to take pain medicine and stay in bed. The pain lasted about 8 hours. I don’t think the race is the cause of the attack. It probably would happen no matter what. It might have affected my performance. Yeah, I believe I could have done better.

Anyway, what has been done has been done. Training will continue. Looking forward to my next race, the Athens Half Marathon!

update: I found more photos here.


当下的力量 之十三


Through the present moment, you have access to the power of life itself, that which has traditionally been called "God". As soon as you turn away from it, God ceases to be a reality in your life, and all you are left with is the mental concept of God, which some people believe in and others deny. Even belief in God is only a poor substitute for the living reality of God manifesting every moment of your life.


透过当下,你可以体验到生活自身的力量。传统上,这种力量被称为上帝。你一旦偏离当下,上帝便从你的生活中抽身而去,只留下一个上帝的概念。 变成了概念,便有人相信有人不信。这种情况下,即便是信仰上帝,也无法取代上帝真的无时不在。






当下的力量 之十二


Your primary purpose is to enable consciousness to flow into what you do. The secondary purpose is whatever you want to achieve through the doing. Whereas the notion of purpose before was always associated with future, there is now a deeper purpose that can only be found in the present, through the denial of time.

Your secondary or outer purpose lies within the dimension of time, while your main purpose is inseparable from the Now and therefore requires the negation of time. How are they reconciled? By realizing that your entire life journey ultimately consists of the step your are taking at this moment. There is always only this one step, and you give it your fullest attention. This doesn't mean you don't know where you are going; it just means this step is primary, the destination secondary. And what you encounter at your destination once you get there depends on the quality of this one step. Another way of putting it: What the future holds for you depends on your state of consciousness now.



次要目标或外部目标的存在依赖于时间。而主要目标则与当下密不可分,且否定时间。这二者如何统一?这需要意识到我们的生命旅程乃是由当下迈出的每一步所构成的。当下只有这一小步,需要你对它全神贯注。 这不是说你不需要了解前进的方向,只是强调迈出当前这一步的重要性,以及终点的相对次要。在生命的终点你将遇到什么取决于当前这一步如何迈出。






