
我是谁 之十一

When you think, feel, perceive, and experience, consciousness is born into form. It is reincarnating -- into a thought, a feeling, a sense perception, an experience. The cycle of rebirths that Buddhists hope to get out of eventually is happening continuously, and it is only at the moment -- through the power of Now -- that you can get out of it. Through complete acceptance of the form of the Now, you become internally aligned with space, which is the essence of Now. Through acceptance, you become spacious inside. Aligned with space instead of form: That brings true perspective and balance into your life.


人类一思考,上帝就发笑。思考这种事情,要借助具体形态的。或者说,想法本身就是形态,具有形态的一切特征。无论是思考,感受,知觉还是经历,他们都将人限制在意识当中。人要以内在的广大,将意识纳入其中,将其消弭,这便是修炼的最高境界吧。 这不是要切断你跟着世界的联系,而是将所有这一切,纳入到内在的宽阔无垠中来,并用当下的力量,跳出现实的限制,达到生命的平衡态。

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